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"This was by far one of my favourite episodes in this series! The information that Anjie bought through via Judah was so beautiful and thought-provoking!"

Phil Good

"I’m in absolute awe of this channeler - and this video specifically. A literal masterpiece."


"This has been so helpful to me! What a lovely collective! I especially loved what they said about the dangers of the duality of politics, and how we need to be present, and find love and compassion for all."


"I really appreciate the generous and non-push environment. This Angelic Collective only speaks with encouragement and love, never obligating us."


"I just wanted to drop a note and let you know how much I am enjoying the course. I am moving very slowly -- but growing and glowing!"


"We absolutely loved having Anjie on the show, and I have to say, her interview had quite an impact on me! We would definitely love to have her back."


"It felt like the sin of the world was weighing heavily on my heart and after this recording the record was struck clean and my mental state was one of joy. Thank you for this healing."


"I love what you are offering and have really gravitated to it out of so many other channels out there. Not saying they are bad at all (I love Esther and Abraham too!), but I'm pulled toward you and your "crew" for some reason."


"I am so grateful for the gift of you! You planted such a seed in me. A few words in passing….wow. I can’t put into words all the love."


"I know this is meant to help many, but this truly helped me... I woke up this morning all sadness gone, and I cried happy tears for the first time in a very long time."


"I finished Anjie’s amazing book, and I also watched The 3 Dimensions Of The True You webinar -- so profound and inspiring!"


"Thank you so so much Anjie, for listening/channeling and Judah’s answer about High Vibe Eating. I’m soooo grateful! Much tears, understanding and new insights."

Read more reviews →

The Answer To All Your Questions: The First Book of Judah


"So when I come, I'm not coming to play -- I'm coming to slay. So if there's some housecleaning, something you really need to get rid of and be done with? I'm your guy." -- [THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL channeled by Anjie Hipple]

Would you like to know what messages YOUR angels are trying to give you? 

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Praise for The Answer To All Your Questions

"I wanted to tell you how beautiful and spiritually informative your book is.
 I was blown away by all the guru references, such as Mooji whom I love. The book answers many of my questions, truly a work of art that I fully resonated with. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Anjie, you are such a delight to watch and listen to while receiving this wisdom from Judah, the Pleiadian Sisters, and all whom you channel.

I understand that this work is not easy, but you, sweet Anjie, make it look so easy. I feel so blessed to know all of you from afar. I will book a session soon with you and Judah." -- Diane



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True You Accelerator™

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1:1 Sessions

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The Refuge

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Praise for Sunday Livestreams with Judah

"Wow, I’m so grateful. Yet another life-changing channeling with Judah.
I have known about certain blocks/vows within my healing but didn’t know how to remove them. Can’t wait to work with my ETs and angel guides on them!" -- Shawn

"I was so into the channeling I felt like I had been at a really good movie. Soooo many goodies in this livestream!" -- Cee

"Thank you for your knowledge, love & support this year, it has helped me get back in touch with myself. I have been tuning into your live YouTube broadcasts since May and have really appreciated all you bring to us along with Judah's love & all the other beloved beings too." -- Reose

"Oh my I love Judah so much!!!! I can feel the energy so strongly... powerful… my face gets so tingly. My whole body surges with energy… I have to remind myself to breathe when it gets to be too much. I am so grateful." -- Angela

"Thank you Judah, Anjie, Chuck, and friends. Happy to have been in the field live with y'all last night! I AM ready for my tipping point!" -- Monica


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