"I have been a listener of the Judah Channel for a few months now and don't have the words to express my gratitude for what I am finally hearing. Meaning! Purpose! I too was brought up in a strict religious household and had to learn what I am not before I could learn what I am."



"I love Judah and Anjie! I’m going through so many hardships -- I’ve been meditating for over 2 months now at least 2 times a day. So much in my life has changed that I know for a fact that I attracted you for me to come back to wholeness!!!"



"Thank you Anjie for your beautiful offer that elevates our souls and opens our hearts!! I am greatful for the amazing meeting with you and the Judah family!!"



"Anjie and Judah are the most refreshing team I have heard in years. (And I have been listening to channelers since 1987!)"



"I've changed completely since I found your YouTube channel. I see and conquer fear, I see where love comes in when speaking to others, I look at every circumstance given as a lesson, and above all -- I understand the ego."



"The Pleiadians have such a nurturing approach. I call on them often and always feel a calming sensation like a soft heavy blanket on a cold winter day. The beauty of the Judah Family is a direct reflection of unconditional love and support."



"At first I rejected any spiritual practice that looked like Christianity. I'm gradually recognizing how my guides have been with me all along. I'm moving back to being a worshipper and having love rather than animosity for those who follow Christianity as I did. I hope to appreciate any seeker and their path, without judging. Your work with Chuck and Judah has helped me greatly. "



"I’m deeply grateful for your pioneering work, and for your embodiment of true, unconditional love. What a salve it is for the earth and all her beings. I’m honored to play even a small part in bringing more love to the world."




Anjie Carpenter Hipple is a musician, artist, former schoolteacher, and mother. Raised in a conservative Christian environment, she found herself seeking greater spiritual understanding in mid-life, and began opening herself up to Eastern medicine and teachings.

Just a few short years ago, Anjie would never have thought "channeled messages" to hold any value at all! But now, she has set all those roles aside to play the most important role of her life, which is as a channel for a beautiful collective of angelic beings from the fifth dimension.

Download Anjie's Media Kit

The Answer To All Your Questions: The First Book of Judah

"So when I come, I'm not coming to play -- I'm coming to slay. So if there's some housecleaning, something you really need to get rid of and be done with? I'm your guy." -- [THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL channeled by Anjie Hipple]

Would you like to know what messages YOUR angels are trying to give you? 

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"The Answer To All Your Questions
will show you how to directly access higher-dimensional wisdom that is coming from powerful angelic beings, like the Archangel Michael, who stand ready at your service. This spirituality self-help book is perfect for beginners interested in channeled messages, receiving answers to prayer, and spiritual warfare from the fifth dimension and beyond. You'll learn how to ask questions and receive answers that will help you move toward enlightenment and gain practical knowledge for empowering your everyday experience.

Author Anjie Hipple channels Judah, considered the "Oprah" of the cosmos, here to introduce you to powerful spiritual beings from other dimensions ready to help you in the moment you ask. Along the way, you'll meet a seventh-dimensional star mother, Whathual, two good ol' Atlantean boys, Horace and Orook, the Emissaries of the Pleiadian Light Council, and more.

The Answer To All Your Questions covers spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and manifestation, communicating with other dimensions or deceased loved ones, and practical matters such as diet and wellness. Armed with this exciting book on spiritual awakening -- you may even be inspired to begin a spiritual channeling or automatic writing experience of your own."


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"I wanted to share with you that last night I realised I don’t hate myself anymore! I don’t love myself fully just yet, but I don’t hate myself!!!  this is a big change for me… thank you x100000! "



"I'd like to say a big thank you for the healing on the webinar. It resonated with me and I was able to let go of such a heavy weight on my existence. Thank you."



"Anjie! I did it! I asked my Higher Self to connect me with Judah as I slept and tag and heal something and WOW. They came... I saw many colorful lights, then I went somewhere and came back and saw even more lights and then I fell asleep. Thank you so much for sharing Judah with us. I just learned about you and them on Alex's podcast. I'm so happy I found you."



"Thank you so much for taking the time to get together and share that beautiful evening. My release continued throughout the evening and my connection is stronger than ever this morning. Thank you for being my sounding board and all the wonderful guidance you and Judah have provided."
