Getting in the room with Judah is the fastest way to raise your vibration and receive extradimensional energetic transmissions among like-minded friends.


Love the online livestreams with the Judah family? Take the next step and visit us in Charlotte, NC! We are excited to meet members of our extended community and welcome them to our very special space we call The Refuge.

We've specifically renovated and prepared it for YOU (Judah has told us the renovations undertaken raised the energy in the room from 200 to 850 on a scale of 0-1000!) Just by entering, you will experience the physical and mental benefits of higher consciousness levels. Register now to let us know you want to be here in the flesh!

"How do you condense a total transformation on the deepest soul level into some sentences? I have no idea, but I’ll try..."

I encountered Anjie on the NLS podcast on her first interview with Alex.
I was stunned and immediately recognized that she was the teacher I had been asking my angelic team to send my way.

I booked a one-on-one with her and I was so moved by Judah and already started to feel the change in my life. I signed up for her True You Accelerator course and Judah Treats. Slowly, bit by little crusty bit, Anjie and Judah opened my mind’s eye and helped me remove false beliefs and long-held negative ideas I had about myself, buried deep in my subconscious - something only a group of 350,000 angels could do! This is the freedom I’ve been searching for, for so so long.

Coming to Satsang a few times now I have been up close to the high frequency of Anjie, Chuck and Judah -- and aspire to get [to that high frequency] myself. They are so loving and compassionate, it’s transformational be around them. As I continue to expand on a soul level, I am excited to share and I have already turned several people onto Judah - it’s exciting to see people embrace the teaching and immediately see positive changes in their lives.

-- Jane

DISCLAIMERS: We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of our platform is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information given for yourself, which is your constitutional right, we assume no responsibility for your actions.

Your time with Judah is intended for personal growth, removing personal obstacles, awakening and enlightenment. To that end, we welcome all manner of topics that are important to you. Please note that this session is not an appropriate choice for fortune-telling, entertainment, or a resource for winning lottery numbers, or to confirm or dispute readings from other intuitives.

âś” Agree

 What To Expect At The Refuge


Our in-person gatherings are intimate, sacred, and spontaneous! Come with an open mind and heart, and know that our space has been prepared just for you.

Please arrive early and park in the rear of the building. You'll be greeted by Chuck or other friends, remove your shoes, and enter our cozy red-carpeted room to relax into a peaceful state of being for our time together.

Our evening events start promptly at 7pm. The evening typically concludes between 8 and 8:30pm.

Judah typically speaks for a time, and sometimes Anjie and Chuck have other things to share - anything can happen! If something doesn’t resonate with you, be at ease and let it go on by. If it is important for your journey, it will come back around at exactly the right time for you. Trust your Higher Self. Take what you like and leave the rest.

Yes, you'll have the opportunity to ask a question! While you may remain anonymous, remember that your voice will be recorded and be included in our live broadcast on YouTube.

These are high-vibrational, exciting evenings together! After the event concludes, please know how grateful we are that you came. Remember the need for Anjie to recover and be aware that she is unable to interact personally following the event.