Cosmic Calliopes and Choirs

We love to sing because music is the language of the Cosmos, and this language is universal to all beings of every dimension. Our song is always a spontaneous expression of awe and wonder, never rehearsed or contrived. In regards to humanity, talk may instruct the mind, but song bypasses the mind and goes straight to the soul. We are able to communicate, transform and heal the body and soul so much more effectively with sound and melody. Our tones break mental bondages, restore DNA, and cleanse and elevate the human soul.

“Speak to each other in… spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19

“Sound will be the medicine of the future.” Edgar Cayce

We were designed by Creator with supernatural musical abilities. Our angelic bodies are instruments through which Spirit flows much like wind through a flute or steam through a calliope. When breathed by God we make all manner of extraordinary supernatural sounds. On earth, when a person blows upon a flute, only one note can be produced at a time. However, when the Spirit blows through one of our angelic light bodies, that one makes a multitude of sounds all at once, like many different instruments sounding from a single being. 

Questioner: Does your angelic collective play together like the orchestras of earth? 

Certainly, but our sound is beyond your current experience. When you hear an orchestra playing on 3D earth, the sound emanates from an area in front of you. Whereas when we play, all your pores and cells are completely surrounded and saturated with our sound from above, below, in front, behind, and beneath. If you experience this sound you will be enveloped in ecstasy!  It sounds like myriads of voices all at once without a specific point of origin. 

Questioner: Does this sound take place in the fifth dimension? 

Yes, it is primarily heard in the fifth dimension and beyond. However sometimes our sound is heard in the third or fourth dimension by those whose spiritual ears are opened for a time. This gift is called clairaudience, and it is the supernatural ability to hear what is inaudible to the human ear. We would like for all human beings to receive this gift. The vessel has experienced our sound on a few occasions. 

There is  a reason why many religious texts refer to choirs of angels – because choirs of cosmic beings of light exist. The concept of a choir is humanity’s unconscious attempt to recreate the reality of heavenly angels singing in harmony. 

“Then I looked again, and I heard the voices of thousands and millions of angels around the throne and of the living beings and the elders. And they sang in a mighty chorus: ‘Worthy is the Lamb…to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.’ ” (Revelations 5:11-12)


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