Stop Worrying And Play The "What If?" Game



It's so good to meet you, new precious ones to make your acquaintance and those who are returning welcome, welcome, be at home, be at rest.

We are here to comfort you and lift you up in every way.

And you will find that in this evening and in this time, it is not so much about the words that are coming through this vessel for what we are bringing to you in these moments, right here, right now are more than just words.

They are the power of angelic realms and source energy.

Some of you call God or Father or the universal consciousness, whatever word you give is not so important.

But just to know that all that is loving and true and good and righteous and precious, that is the strain, the flow, the river of what is happening here tonight.

And it is here for you, for your refreshing to uplift you to change to, to, to become many times like a rushing river or like a wind, a wind, a wind.

There is an old story that is worth telling here.

It is a story about a, a room very similar to this one.

In fact, this room was actually called the upper room.

And you see, you see there was a beautiful tribe of friends who loved each other.

Very spiritual journey for nearly three years with a beautiful ascended master, an enlightened one, some of you know, as the Christ, but he was dead.

And they were distraught because they had lost the one their soul loved more than any other.

And should you ever come into the room with an enlightened being, you will feel this feeling of being overcome with love for this one.

And so they were distraught and they were hiding.

They feared for their lives.

And they came to be in this room, this upper room, hiding there, not knowing what was coming next.

They feared that they too would be killed like their beloved master if they were to, to, to, to, to be true and, and speak of their fidelity to their master.

And so there they were in this upper room, very much like you this evening, praying, meditating, opening their hearts, feeling their feelings, feeling their grief, their remembrance of the good things and their fears of things to come very much like you, my dear.

And it is said that as they prayed, there was a sound of a mighty rushing when that came through the room.

To us, it might sound like a freight train.

Have you ever heard a wind that sounded like a freight train? And it was the sound was the evidence of the mighty beautiful spirit of God come to visit them, to reassure them.

And there were many, many, many other things that happened and much more to the story.

But for tonight, we only draw a parallel to this room and say that you never know.

You never know what can come of a little tribe of people who perhaps in some ways feel at the end of their rope or, or wondering what might be next.

This, this very thing could be the breeding ground for miracles, miracles of transformation, visitations, visitations of a holy and beautiful fire.

You see, there are hard things, hard ways to do things, my dears.

And there are easier ways, and there are many shades in between.

But we would like to help you take as many shortcuts as possible for the things that are important to you, that matter to you.

You see, you, you might spend many years reading many, many books or following many teachers or going many places or speaking to many experts or counselors or whatever, Doing whatever you can in order to feel whole, to feel whole in your soul and be the beautiful being that you are and being at rest in your being.

And all of that is fine.

Sometimes there is an intersection that you come to and there are being such as ourselves that can <laugh> give you a hand up, just literally viscerally lift you right up out of the things that trouble you into a new way of being into life, light, joy, happiness.

And you might come into that new place and think, Wow, I feel so different.

I don't even know how to be the way I was yesterday anymore.

And that my dears is a possibility.

It is a possibility.

So let's play a little game here for a moment.

We are going to call this game the "What If?" game.

What if? And we will play this game a little bit here tonight.

And then you can try it for yourself anytime that pleases you.

Perhaps when you are falling asleep or when you are waking in the morning or when you are coming out of meditation.

What if, what if, what if, what if, what if things could be different for me? What if I could feel better? What if I feel better? What if I feel better tomorrow?

What if things are easier?

What if the answers begin to come to me, what if, what if I can let that go?

What if I can finally forgive that person?

What if I can finally quit ruminating about that?

What if I could distract myself with something wonderful? Some new idea, some new creative thing or project?

What if I begin to to be at peace inside?

What if I stop controlling?

What if I really let go?

What if the anger that I feel finally comes and goes and it doesn't come back anymore?

What if my mind is at peace?

What if I lay my head down tonight and I sleep so soundly and dream ever so peacefully and wake up feeling really strong and refreshed?

What if my body corroborates and has all the strength it needs for everything that's important to me?

What if my body cooperates and is my very dear friend and is full of life and vitality?

And what if I really accept my body and love it exactly the way it is? And I'm thankful for every part?

And what if I let myself dream a new dream, maybe a dream that I'm afraid to share with anyone because it might seem too far fetched.

Or maybe they won't support my dream or maybe they will even laugh.

But what if I let myself dream it anyway?

And what if I suddenly had the courage to take a step towards that dream to do some small thing, to move towards it, to, to let it happen, to make it happen?

What if it's not all is dark and doom, doomsday as everyone says?

What if there are people out there that are really changing the world?

What if there are people out there that are full of light, enjoy and peace and goodness, and not just that,  but full of power that can actually change a room when they walk in the room because they, they have real authority that they used to hurt people or rule people, but the kind of authority that is quiet but strong and changes the atmosphere...

What if I could be one of those people?

What if, what if I could be to myself everything that my parents failed to be for me? What if I would be that for myself?

What if I could be gentle with myself?

What if I could be curious about my flaws and my faults?

What if I could just be curious and not judge myself and say, Oh, oh, that? Oh, oh, well...

And what if I could love myself and forgive myself and give myself so much grace and forgiveness?

And what if all that love and forgiveness and understanding and gentleness that I give to myself somehow began to change me and I began to be bold and to love and respect myself and then others?

What if, what if...

And what if every day in every way, I'm getting better and better and better?

And every day and every way, I'm being truer to myself in who I am and my soul and the whole reason that I was put here and I don't really know I'm here or, or what might be out there supporting me or against me...

I don't know all of those things.

And I don't know exactly why I'm here.

But what if, what if somehow I still was able to be that thing, even if I don't really understand what it is?

What if, what if I just fell into alignment with here and what I'm supposed to do and who I am and what I'm supposed to be in the earth right now in this moment?

What if and what if I could just be that without figuring it all out?

What if?

Okay, my dear, we hope that this little game can be a tool in your tool belt.

And we encourage you when you play this game of what if that you do not censor yourself in any way.

Just let it rip.

And don't think too much, but just be childlike and play this game like a child would play a game full of imagination and faith, for this is what we want you to know above all things, that every battle is won between your two ears.

And if you change the way you think, you can change everything in your reality and you can begin to attract all kinds of wonderful things.

And the evidence of that is your being here.

You see, being here right now is your evidence that you know how to attract love and support and divine intervention and angelic assistance and wisdom.

So pat yourself on the back for you have attracted this into your life in this moment.

Well done.

Now we are here to assist for your questions and all questions are acceptable.


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