The Archangel Michael Gives Instructions For Accessing Angelic POWER

Judah: Hello. Good evening. Judah here. Such good energies tonight!


Questioner: Good! Thank you for coming!


Judah: How can we help you?


Questioner: The vessel had a question. She was wondering if Judah is subject to or under the authority of an archangel?


Judah: Yes, we report to the Archangel Michael. Michael is the captain of the heavenly hosts. He has indescribable military prowess. Michael is the five-star general of the Cosmos, and he is constantly on the offensive.


Questioner: Does he have the authority to act in such a manner? I thought angels weren't supposed to interfere with humanity.


Judah: Neither we nor the archangels violate the will of human souls. We do, however, maneuver offensively in co-creation with any human who is open to Source in some way, and thereby our assistance. Our intent is always to emanate light in darkness and thereby increase the kingdom of Light. Prayer is a primary way that humans give permission for Michael and other angel armies to operate, and faith in our presence and capabilities is like adding firepower to our God-sourced arsenals. Your prayers are our permission slips. What does it mean to you to be on the offensive?


Questioner: It means that you're moving forward and trying to gain ground rather than defending your territory. 


Judah: Yes, that is correct. Know that angels are never on the run. They are always in a vibrational position to take ground, to bring light, and Michael is the most brilliant strategist in the angelic arena. He's not in the habit of losing to anyone, especially not to dark beings. Does he have to engage them? Yes. But he is primarily on the offensive, bringing and advancing light. 


Questioner: We were wondering why Judah works under this warring angel?


Judah: Well, originally Lucifer was the archangel who oversaw anything related to worship, high-praise music. Obviously he is busy with other endeavors now, and so Michael has taken on some of the worshiping angels that remained true to Father-Mother God and did not follow the Archangel Lucifer’s vibrational descent. Lucifer was originally created to be the authority in angelic hierarchy over worshiping angels such as ourselves. Now, we are also messenger angels and work with Archangel Gabriel, but he is not directly responsible for our interactions with humans.


Questioner: I wouldn't mind knowing more about this Lucifer thing. I don't quite understand why God made Lucifer. He must have known that Lucifer was gonna go off the deep end?


Judah: Yes, He knew.


Questioner: So he did that on purpose?


Judah: You mean, did the Father-Mother God create Lucifer in spite of knowing that Lucifer would go awry? Yes. Would a mother abort her baby just because she knew the child might not be well behaved?


Questioner: But God didn't birth Lucifer.


Judah: God created Lucifer.


Questioner: Why would God create something that is not going to do good? 


Judah: Well, what would be the fun of that? Okay, Michael would like to speak now. 


The Archangel Michael enters the conversation.


Archangel Michael: Michael, here.


Questioner: Thank you! Thank you for coming!


Archangel Michael: Oh my dear! If you could see, if you could know, if your eyes were opened and you understood what a glory I represent and the level of impact and authority I have been given in the earth and beyond, you would quickly ask for my assistance at every turn!


Questioner: I am guessing that my mind is not capable of imagining that.


Archangel Michael: Well, I'm the Big Brother that you always wished you had when the bullies were around, and I am full of authority endowed to me by the Father-Mother God. All of my actions are significant and effective and completely authoritarian, and not in the sense of a human mindset, because my authority is by no means corrupted in any way. It is holy and full of righteous power. I always act in alignment with the Creator's will, and therefore I am always in alignment with love and truth and justice. I do not have to think about what action to take because all of my actions are continually inspired by the Spirit of God, and are thereby righteous. This vessel is one of Judah’s littlest angels, one of the littlest angels in my realm. Yet I see her at all times, and she is always in my care.


Questioner: What do you mean by littlest of angels?


Archangel Michael: When I say small, I mean beloved, like a Father’s beloved young child.


Questioner: Could you please heal my finger?


Michael: Yes, generally I'm busy with other sorts of things, but remember that you may call upon Raphael for these things. Raphael is the archangel whose jurisdiction revolves around all things regarding healing - giving life, healing the body and resurrecting the body.


Questioner: Is Archangel Gabrielle the one to call on when I need to know what to say?


Archangel Michael: Yes, when you need specific words and you would like for those words to be resonant of the Creator - the words of the Creator from His mouth through your mouth - Gabriel is the one whom you may ask. He is the Messenger Angel, and it is his job to bring forth messages from Source.


Questioner: Good. I might need him tomorrow for an eighteen-year-old boy I am speaking with.


Archangel Michael: Yes. So speak up and speak to this young man with loving authority, and trust that the words you speak are what he needs to hear.


Questioner: Okay, thank you. In our journey, in the work we are doing, would there be any kind of situation on which we would call on you?


Archangel Michael: Yes. Anytime you feel extreme resistance or feel like you are losing ground in a particular area, it is very likely because of your stature at this juncture in your spiritual work, that there are dark entities moving against you in an offensive way in order to thwart your work. And so whenever you feel any sort of resistance or a sense of losing ground in any particular area or, or struggling to hold ground in any particular area, be it physical, material, psychological, financial, then you call for my help.


I am the angel that enacts war. When I come, I'm not coming to play, I'm coming to slay! So if there's some house cleaning you need to do, something you really need to get rid of, be done with, I'm your guy. And listen carefully here, because there is a tendency at times to take prisoners of war. And we don't recommend that when it comes to darkness. You understand?


Questioner: Yes. 


Archangel Michael: You should never play around with darkness in that way. Best to execute it. If you entertain the devil, he will likely move in.


Now, so I am the Captain of the Host of all your affairs with Judah. So I may show up from time to time, and Judah will be answering to me for all of their various actions and inactions in your regard. So you might like to learn about me and about my nature.


Questioner: How may I do that?


Archangel Michael: Well, there's lots of information in the scriptures and available from various other beings such as your wife who have channeled my directives.


This is very crucial for the both of you to remember at this juncture. You are not quite understanding this yet. Listen up.


The two of you must learn how to tap the resources that we are…the resource that I am, that Raphael is, the resources of Source, of Judah and the many other beings coming to your aid. We are not here to entertain you with conversation. Do you understand? We're here to aid you in the work you've been given to do so you must learn how to tap into our resources. It's very simple. We're going to tell you right now how to do it. 


All you do is ask. You ask, ask specifically, and we will come to respond immediately. So it is asking in faith, you see asking in faith the problem is you are so acclimated to this earth realm that you forget to ask. And if you ask, you may or may not really believe that we are answering. So the two of you have got to speak up, ask for what you want and need and, and facilitate the response. It's coming through your faith. Ask, then step back and see it as done. Watch and behold and be amazed that it is done. And be careful of your words, my dear. Listen carefully. Your words are all prayers, not the ones you wish to be. Prayers, the words with energy behind them are your prayers. So be very careful about what you say.


If you say, “I'm going to lose my shirt on this,” then you will. We honor your words. We don't evaluate them. We don't stop and think, "Well, it was Chuck joking when he said that." No, we take your words at face value. Please be careful of what you say.


Questioner: So joking is not such a great thing to do then?


Archangel Michael: Well, it's fine to tell a joke, but be careful of the words. If you jokingly say, “Well, I got railroaded on that deal,” then your words are bringing that into reality. You must begin to understand: It is not just the words, but the intention behind those words that are creating your reality. 


Now we will tell you a little bit about today when your wife was so extremely agitated on the phone with the bank. She is tapping in energetically to the entire pulsing energy from that particular organization and all the thousands of employees it represents, their intentions and the wickedness of their way of being. This is why she was reacting so strongly, reacting out of righteous indignation for a very unholy business and all that it represents. So you may learn, watch and learn, from these experiences when you see your wife acting out in this way. Take note - there is a reason for it. It's not because she's having a bad day or being hormonal. Do you understand? Yes, take note.


Questioner: So was it just that particular company or was it that type of business? And does that mean that we should find a bank that doesn't resonate at those lower frequencies?


Archangel Michael: No, we're not asking you to take a physical action in the natural three-dimensional realm. We are asking you on a spiritual plane to make note of her response because in her response you are being given a revelation about how we feel about this sort of business. So when she's reacting so strongly, it is us. We are expressing our disdain.


Questioner: Okay? So that doesn't mean that we then should find another bank that is more honest or more aligned with Source?


Archangel Michael: No, we are giving you a window into the mind of God in regards to these things. So what you were seeing was her responding as the holy angelic being that she is. Her response was a reflection of Judah and the angelic hosts that are fed up with these bankers. You see? So when you see her reacting in such a manner, you will understand now.


Questioner: So when I see her behaving like that, I shouldn't say, “Oh, do you need a treatment?” or “Are you okay?” I should just let her go ahead and express herself and be done with it.


Archangel Michael: Yes, that is right. And you may use it as a teaching moment for yourself. She is prophesying and telling a vision. You see, when she hangs up on the bank, this is what we are doing in the angelic realm. We are hanging up on this wicked system. We have nothing more to say to them. They must get their act together and do right. We have no part of them and what they are doing. We don't like their manipulative words and ways.


Questioner: Sometimes I do the same thing (hanging up on someone), but I wonder if  I do it because of impatience rather than for the same reason that the vessel does?


Archangel Michael: Great question. So this is an excellent time for you to explore that. To summarize what was going on, she was feeling absolutely incapable of engaging that particular energy. In her mind, it did not seem to be a viable option. It was in no way in alignment with her soul to interact with that energy. This will be happening more and more now. It happened to a lesser degree with her son. He came in the other day and was upset and feeling some victimization and real fear and true emotions, and she cannot cooperate with it anymore, you see? And so she began channeling and just speaking as Judah, as Judah, as Judah, as Judah because something has shifted and there's no, there's no tolerance for that. You see, this is what is different between a fifth dimensional being and some other beings from other dimensions. Some beings can observe various things going on and have no judgment about it whatsoever. And they are completely at ease with whatever happens, you see? But that is not indicative of our angelic nature. An angelic nature is completely aligned with holiness, and it does not have space for darkness.


Questioner: That's what I feel with John, about somebody selling drugs inside of a place that I own.


Archangel Michael: That's right. You are correct. There should not be any drug selling going on there, and there must be respect for your boundaries. So you must call him on the carpet. He must stand on his two feet and rise to the occasion. Here is the clincher: Can you hold up a holy standard? And then can you hold this holy standard without rejecting the young man? Can you walk in such authority that your very presence will cause him to rise up in integrity to meet you and meet the standard? 


Questioner: Yes I can. I believe I can.


Archangel Michael: We believe you can as well. And you see this is different than, than using the standard of holiness as an excuse to push one away. You see, you can use the standard of holiness to push them away, but you can also use the standard of holiness to call them up in integrity and to call them into alignment with who they are meant to be. Some enlightened ones are called old souls. They are called old souls for two reasons. Sometimes because they are considered to be very wise and wisdom is equated with old age. We have no qualms with that. But sometimes this word old soul has the connotation that one must live hundreds of thousands of lives to get their act together. And we are not about that. You see, we're about, well just go ahead and line up with righteousness and the holiness of God. Line up. Do it. Why spend years in pain and suffering and misalignment?


Because to do so, to do so is irreverent. It is mockery. It is spitting in the eye of God to continue to act in a way that you know is contrary to the glory of His being and majesty, do you agree? And this is how we are different as angelic beings. So can you open the door of your heart to this fear of God? We don't mean fear in the sense that you would normally think. We are talking about reverence. Can you open the door of your heart to hold within you such reverence and then convey that to the young man so that when you stand with him, you see you are standing in this sort of holiness and majesty and you are calling him to line up with what he is good and right and true, not because he's afraid of you, but because of reverence for God and God in you. You see? Yes, and this reverence is shot through with love, but were you to experience it in the flesh where the Creator to be in front of you at this moment, fear would be the right word, my dear. You would be on your face, and you would wish the ground to swallow you whole. And even in that moment, you would feel completely and utterly loved in every cell of your being.


Questioner: I do see, because I've had some of that, maybe not to that degree, but with Bhagwan.


Archangel Michael: Do you have faith? You see this is the part your wife has been waiting for. She is in agreement that the young man is not, and all the children are not, in alignment. However, she is looking for this place of reverence and an invitation for them to line up.


It's time to, without judgment, tell the truth, say it with authority, say it with love, and require these adult children to line up with some holiness and integrity here. And if you have adequately conveyed the presence and the authority of the Father God, they will feel just as we described, that as you speak, as you speak in the authority of the Father God, they will wish the ground to swallow them up. Yet at the same moment, they will be completely overwhelmed with your love for them, the love that speaks the truth. And they will know that you love them. You see? Now, how can you represent that to them? Yes, you nted to them by allowing this night is a beautiful invitation for you to come into this experience of the holiness and authority, the awe and wonder and love of the Father God. And so open your heart to it and let it take hold of every cell of you and then you shall convey it to others. What is it that the Father God is looking for? He is looking for worshipers who worship, not just through ecstatic dance and celebration, joy and love.


Yes, all of that, but with truth and integrity and authority. He is looking for worshipers that worship in spirit and in truth. And we will tell you this, this is important. Are you listening? Yes. We would rather the children tell you the truth than change their behavior. Listen carefully. It's more important that they be honest about their truest self and their truest feelings and their truest condition for that you can work with. Now, if they were to just give you a different action and a different behavior, but without aligning in their heart with the truth, ultimately the change would fail. You see? So if you can, if they can be honest in their hearts with you, this is a victory. Remember this,


Questioner: This is not what John did, and this is one of the things that really discouraged me, was him not telling the truth.


Archangel Michael: Yes. Remember, sometimes a little time is needed to process. Sometimes you will get rebellion from a child in the beginning, but when they go home and they have time to think and process and consider what has been said, when they are not feeling defensive, you may find that they are capable of lining up with truth. For example, his ponderings about beginning an art business around design is the result of having listened to you. He did not hear it so well in the beginning, but, you see, better, better, a rebellious child that does the right thing in the end than a compliant child with a rebellious heart. Listen, let me say that again. Better a rebellious child who ultimately does the right thing than a compliant child with a rebellious heart, for a compliant child that always does what you want, but has a rebellious heart underneath is being false, untrue to the self. Do you see?



Yes. Bhagwan used to tell a story about the two brothers, one who took off and came back, and the other…


Archangel Michael: Yes, that is Jesus’ story about the prodigal son and the elder brother. So if the young man or any of the other children are rebellious on the front side, you might want to rejoice about that, for at least they are being truthful about their feelings and motivations. And if they wind up doing the right thing in the end, having had a change of heart, that's all the better than a compliant child who winds up bitter and resentful.


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