Toss Your God-Boxes
All words used in an attempt to define God are limited, metaphorical or descriptive at best, only pointers to Her Essence. We will use the pronouns he and she interchangeably when speaking of God in this text in order to shake loose your predisposition towards seeing God in human, limiting ways. With this disclaimer, we will share some designations for God as pointers to some facets of who/what GOD is:
- All
- All-Knowing
- Alpha
- Angel
- Abba
- Beginning
- Big Daddy
- The Big Bang
- The Boss
- Buddha
- Big Brother
- The Christ
- Consciousness
- Divine
- The Door
- The Dove
- Earth
- The Eternal
- Everything
- Energy
- Essence
- Existence
- Friend
- Gaia
- Great Mother
- Greater
- Great Mystery
- Great Scientist
- Good Shepherd
- Good Orderly Direction
- Fate
- Grace
- Higher Power
- Higher Self
- Holy Spirit
- I AM
- Infinity
- Inner Child
- Life
- Love
- Lord Jesus
- Lord Christ
- Lord Krishna
- Loving Parent
- Magician
- Miracle
- Miracle Worker
- Most Merciful
- Most Compassionate
- Mother to All
- Mother Earth
- Nameless
- Nature
- Nothingness
- Papa
- Qi
- Sacred Mother
- Source
- The Tao
- The Truth
- Universal Consciousness
- The Way
- Wisdom
- Yes
- Yeshua
- You
- Zero
- Zero Point
The more one talks of God, the less one is likely to understand or experience God. Emotional and spiritual maturity are attained when one lets go of definitions and knowings about God and enters a place of not-knowingness. Wisdom is to exchange what one knows for an attitude of willingness and openness. To be a pilgrim is to take a known path towards a specific spiritual destination. To be a pioneer is to create a path where no path has formerly existed. To be a pioneer, not a pilgrim, is the way of true enlightened transformation.